Monday, January 17, 2011

To the Huts!!

We leave the conference room, by the way it is 80 degrees and sunny, and head back downstairs to the area that will become known as our main meeting spot (look at all those bananas! today’s daily truckloads!).

It is about 4 p.m. and our luggage has finally been delivered and we are now being given our room assignments. There are a total of seven complexes which have about three rooms in each one. Sabine and I are finally called for the last assignment. We are escorted by at least seven happy dogs, its actually rather comforting as we feel a sense of protection and companionship as they stop to look back at us or nose our hands as they walk by our sides. Sabine walking back to our hut, with our typical posse:

At last we reach our room and find that the area is nice and about as close to nature as you can be. All the complexes are built around a tree base and are referred to as tree huts. The community bathroom is roomy but utilitarian with no hot water and a pipe that collects used water and drips it outside -- except the toilet water. There is one very dim light for our room, and one outlet that we will use to charge camera batteries and my computer (for writing these journal entries in notepad). There's no internet access in this here 'jungle', and I find this surprisingly refreshing. Ah yes, the accommodations meet with our approval. (Don't let Sabine's confused look fool you...)
